Connexus Student Ministry
Our desire is to connect students to Jesus and help them live for Jesus
We have 4 Pillars we go by:
Connect Students to Jesus
Connect Students to God's Word
Connect Students to
Caring Adults
Caring Adults
Connect Students to
Other Students
Other Students

High School
Big Group/Small Groups Sunday Nights 6:00pm - 7:30pm
We love Big Group!
Big Group is a great time for our students to come together as a big group, to grow in their faith, and to be encouraged. At Big Group we come together for some fun, food and games, teaching from God's word and then they will spend the majority of their time in their small groups. Each high school student is put into a small group of their peers with a caring adult to lead the group who will help them stay connected and grow in their faith.
Big Group is a great time for our students to come together as a big group, to grow in their faith, and to be encouraged. At Big Group we come together for some fun, food and games, teaching from God's word and then they will spend the majority of their time in their small groups. Each high school student is put into a small group of their peers with a caring adult to lead the group who will help them stay connected and grow in their faith.

Sunday Mornings
On Sunday mornings we encourage our high school students to attend one service and serve another service. We want our high school students to connect to the church in worship and to participate through serving.

Middle School
Big Group Sunday Mornings 10:45am - 11:45am
Big Group is a great time for our Middle School students to get what they need for their age to help them grow in their faith and to be connected to the church. At Big Group, our Middle School students will get to experience some fun and games. Then they will get to hear teaching from God's word that will challenge them in their faith. Then they will be divided into small groups to spend time in discussion, to connect to a caring adult who loves, supports, and challenges them in their faith. Then they will finish up their time with some snacks.
Big Group is a great time for our Middle School students to get what they need for their age to help them grow in their faith and to be connected to the church. At Big Group, our Middle School students will get to experience some fun and games. Then they will get to hear teaching from God's word that will challenge them in their faith. Then they will be divided into small groups to spend time in discussion, to connect to a caring adult who loves, supports, and challenges them in their faith. Then they will finish up their time with some snacks.
Need help, parents?
Click on the parent resource button to get lots of ideas and resources to help your teens' faith grow.