Life is hard. Choose Connection.

Life is hard--even harder alone--but feeling connected to people at church doesn't have to be. Connect relationally and grow spiritually in a Life Group.

I Have Some Questions:

What is a Life Group?
A small group of 6-14 people who meet regularly in a variety of formats.
What is the purpose of a Life Group?
To help people connect relationally and grow spiritually.
What do I do at a Life Group?
You will experience a combination of socializing, Bible study, eating, and prayer that leads to deeper connections.  No group is exactly the same, but tailors to the needs of its members.
When and where do Life Groups meet?
Life Groups meet in homes around the community and specially designed spaces at the church, anywhere from biweekly to weekly.
What type of Life Groups are there?
We offer groups for couples, men, women, moms, and seniors (prime-timers).
How long is the commitment?
The initial commitment for a Couples', Men's or Women's Life Group is 12 weeks.  Some groups meet every week, and some every other week.  Meeting frequency is determined by the group.

Moms' life groups meets the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month throughout the school year at the church.

Primetimer’s (55+) meets Wednesdays at 1:00pm weekly.
Can I change groups?
Yes of course! If, after joining a group, something is not working, we will be happy to help you move to a group that fits you and your schedule. You will also have the option to make a change at the end of the 12 weeks.
What about my kids?
Some of our groups are kid friendly, meaning that each specific Life Group creates a childcare plan during the group meeting time. Each group’s plan is different.

For Mom's Life Groups, childcare is available at the church.
How do I sign up?
Click the “find your group” button and you will be able to scroll through a portal that offers different groups by type, season of life, and meeting time. Select the one that you think will be the best fit.
What happens after I sign up?
Your new group leader will be in contact with you to introduce themselves, and help you know where to go and what to expect. If you are signing up during our launch seasons in August and January, you will begin meeting the following month. If you are signing up any other time, you will be added to a group that is open and fits your preferences.
Life Groups meet in homes around the community and specially designed spaces at the church, anywhere from biweekly to weekly. There are groups for men, women, and couples of all ages.
Moms' Life Group meets every 1st and 3rd Tuesday from 9-11am with childcare provided (Sept.-May) at First Christian.
Every Wednesday at 1:00pm, seniors (55+) gather at the church to share food, build friendships, study the Bible, do service projects and pray for one another. On the last Wednesday of the month they eat together in a local restaurant.