Why Do We Exist?

"We exist to make followers of Jesus today."

Matthew 28:18-20 contains our marching orders as a church. The purpose of the church is to make followers of Jesus. This is why God gave the world a church, to spread the good news for all people and make more followers of Jesus in all places. Every church, in every culture, must carry out this mission in its local context urgently for the glory of God.

Where Are We Going?

Since 1955, God has been moving in a group of people in the greater Washington area to not just be a church, but to be a compelling church for everyone.

Why a compelling church?
Through the church, through us, is how God has decided to reconcile everyone to himself.
2 Corinthians 5:14, 19-20 "For Christ's love compels us...and He has committed to us the message of reconciliation. We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making His appeal through us.

How will we know if we are compelling?
A compelling church will be both strengthening those in the faith and reaching those new to the faith. The church God envisions is authentically, relevantly, and faithfully doing both. A compelling church is "appealing" to everyone to take their next step to follow Jesus.
Acts 16:5 "So the churches were strengthened in the faith and grew daily in numbers."

Who Are We?

In order to be a compelling church for everyone as we make followers of Jesus today, we strive to be a family of followers committed to, guided and described by these core values, and informed by our beliefs, in all that we do.

We are followers, not just believers.
Everyone needs Jesus.
Everyone is welcome.
Everyone needs someone.
Everyone deserves our best.
I am here to serve.
It is better to give than to receive.
Everything rises and falls on leadership.
Fun is part of what makes it compelling.

Learn more about our Vision, Mission, and Values