How Do I Strive To Have a Thriving Marriage?

6 Ways You Can Strive for a Thriving Marriage

Every marriage begins with a step, informed by our faith, to submit to trusting God’s plan, design, and roles for marriage. Anything that is thriving is growing, learning, and getting better. If we want a thriving marriage, we all need to go looking for it.

1. Pray Together

2. Podcast Listening

You’ll be amazed how much you can learn and implement just by devoting some time to getting better at marriage.

3. Pursue Devotional

Setting aside a little time each day to devote to your marriage can reap incredible benefits.

4. Participate in Life Group

Everyone needs someone. All marriages need support and encouragement from other people who are doing it, too.
New group sign ups start in August--sign up early!

5. Pick a Counselor

It’s okay to get help. Most people know they need it, but don’t go. Going to a counselor is sign of humility and can help your marriage move from survival mode to thriving!

6. Plan a Retreat

Sometimes you just have to get away and spend some time together, reconnecting learning and having fun away from home.

Weekend To Remember is a Friday night-Sunday morning marriage retreat with multiple dates and locations across the country. Learn more about Weekend To Remember and request a scholarship to cover part of your cost below.

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