Find a Support Group

Are you in a season of life where you need extra support and connection while you grieve?  We want to help!  Grief Share is a national program that gathers on Wednesdays at 10:00AM & 6:30PM.  You can expect a safe and welcoming place where you will meet people who can help you get though.
Are you looking for connection and support during or after marriage separation?  We want to help!  Divorce Care is a national program that meets and gathers on Wednesdays at 6:30PM.  You will find a safe environment with people who care.
Celebrate Recovery is a biblically-balanced approach to bring sustainable recovery from a multitude of issues controlling your life. It is a nationwide program, but meets locally at FCC Union on Fridays at 7PM. Contact Johnathan Hannah at 636-283-8504 to learn more.