What is Faith Promise?
Faith Promise is when we collect support and pledges to fund our missions ministry for the upcoming year. This once-a-year pledge helps the missions team determine the budget and support level for all the missions we support.
Our general fund, your regular general offering, goes to support the building, our staff, ministries, the worship services, etc. We are so thankful for your faithfulness in supporting the general budget needs at First Christian. However, Faith Promise giving is used only for the Missions Ministry. It is a special restricted fund, above and beyond our regular giving, to be used for the missionaries and missions’ organizations supported by First Christian Church.
Our general fund, your regular general offering, goes to support the building, our staff, ministries, the worship services, etc. We are so thankful for your faithfulness in supporting the general budget needs at First Christian. However, Faith Promise giving is used only for the Missions Ministry. It is a special restricted fund, above and beyond our regular giving, to be used for the missionaries and missions’ organizations supported by First Christian Church.
Who We Support
Faith Promise Giving
We had a special focus for collecting pledges in November. Faith Promise pledge cards are still available at the connection points or you may fill one out online anytime. Our goal is $120,000.00 in pledges. Our hope is to be able to increase support for our missionaries (something we have not been able to do for a few years) as they too have experienced higher costs in doing ministry. We believe that through prayers and generosity this will happen. Thank you for your faithful support of the FCC missions.
Your financial partnership is essential for First Christian's ability to accomplish the mission of making followers of Jesus today in our community. Learn more about how you can give online any time, anywhere!